Thursday, 10 March 2016

Portrait of a conspiracy theorist (II)
Portrait of a conspiracy theorist (I)

These two collages were created on microsoft word, using manually glitched images taken from the subject's publicly available Facebook profile images, disrupting the image of the face, which is already concealed from facial recognition software.


Can't see me.

They're always watching.

Digital collage of glitched profile image and eyes taken from friends in group photographs.

Monday, 7 March 2016

A confession.
The text on these memes describes my own anxieties about surveillance, linking to the image either due to the expression of the subject or the setting. If they were simply written out they would attract little attention, similarly to the actual leaked files about government surveillance which are available online. While the chosen format attracts attention, particularly of the intended viewers; other art students, the nature of the meme and the use of images of art tutors subverts an entirely serious message. I'd hope it would also draw attention to how easily ownership of images posted online is lost and how easily they can be re-appropriated and used contrary to what the owner intended.

I kept the pretence of secrecy when exhibiting them, uploading the images to an anonymous facebook page, sharing them in secret Art student groups and placing printed copies on the backs of toilet doors in and around the LICA building.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Should've known they'd read the blog. Personally I think it's a bit excessive.