Sunday, 17 June 2018

Media Offline
And other 'faults'

In order to fully exploit the medium of Premiere pro, I employed a number of effects, images and animation which would suggest various errors within the programme. The 'media offline' screen, for example, is the standard screen setting when any media within the programme cannot be found. This is in order to give the impression that there are genuine errors and faults within the film and make viewers really question what was and was not intentional.

It is the intentional which is constantly in doubt through this video. I state my intention in the introduction as getting investment in the script from the viewer, yet when it is presented it is clear this is a ridiculous aim. There are blur effects on certain videos and sound is more muffled and comes in and out of audibility in another. On one projector it displays a different focus and colour balance. But these more ambiguous 'faults' are coupled with the glitching effects of the video and the more obviously intentional intrusions from other sources, elements which I hope will help to confuse the viewer in regard to my intention.

The intent of the artist is often considered as one of the defining factors of art and the correct interpretation of the work. By subverting this I hope to allow viewers to experience the installation without many of the parameters usually set by an artist and draw their own conclusions from the work.

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